Connecting to an Oracle Database with UniDAC

In the landscape of database connectivity in Delphi and C++ Builder applications, Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) stands as a versatile and robust library. UniDAC provides unified access to multiple database servers, making it an essential tool in a developer's toolbox. It offers a unique, powerful way to build applications that can seamlessly interact with various databases, making it an ideal choice for building database-centric applications that require flexibility and high performance.

In the world of relational databases, Oracle stands out as a global leader. Known for its robustness, scalability, and reliability, Oracle Database is used by businesses and organizations of all sizes. It's the engine behind many mission-critical applications in various industries, powering everything from financial transactions in banking systems to data management in healthcare systems. Because of its widespread use and importance, understanding how to interact with Oracle databases is a valuable skill for any developer.

That brings us to the purpose of this article: to guide you, step by step, through the process of connecting to an Oracle Database in a Delphi or C++ Builder environment. We'll demystify the connection process, discuss the essential components involved, and equip you with the knowledge to establish reliable database connections using UniDAC. Whether you're new to UniDAC or looking to expand your existing knowledge, this guide aims to provide you with practical and actionable insights. Let's dive in.


Before we delve into the details of connecting to an Oracle database using UniDAC, it's essential to ensure that you have the necessary tools and knowledge. Here are the prerequisites for following along with this guide:

  1. Installing Delphi or C++ Builder: You need to have either Delphi or C++ Builder installed on your machine. These are the IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) that we'll use to write and execute our code. If you haven't already installed one of these, Embarcadero provides detailed instructions on their website.
  2. Installing and Setting Up an Oracle Database: To connect to an Oracle database, it's somewhat self-explanatory that you need access to one. This could be a local installation on your development machine, a database hosted on a network server, or even a cloud instance. If you're installing it locally, Oracle provides a comprehensive guide on their website.
  3. Basic Understanding of SQL Language: While this guide will go through the specifics of connecting to the database, it assumes you have a basic understanding of SQL (Structured Query Language). This includes knowledge of standard SQL statements such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE, as well as a general understanding of relational database concepts.

With these prerequisites in place, you'll be ready to proceed with establishing a connection to an Oracle database using UniDAC.

Overview of UniDAC's Architecture and Components

Universal Data Access Components, commonly known as UniDAC, is a powerful library designed to provide seamless access to different databases from Delphi and C++ Builder applications. Its architecture is designed around the concept of "universal access," enabling developers to write a single code base that can interact with a wide variety of databases.

UniDAC's core components include the following:

  1. TUniConnection: This component is responsible for establishing connections to the database. You configure this with parameters like database server, port, username, password, and others relevant to the specific database you are connecting to.
  2. TUniQuery: This component allows you to execute SQL queries against your database and fetch the results. It's a highly versatile tool that you can use to perform virtually any operation supported by your database.
  3. TUniTable: This is used for direct access to single tables in the database without writing SQL queries.
  4. TUniStoredProc: This component is used for executing stored procedures in the database.

These components form the backbone of any UniDAC-powered application, allowing for flexible and efficient database operations.

Advantages and Capabilities of UniDAC

UniDAC provides several key advantages and capabilities that make it a choice library for database access in Delphi and C++ Builder applications:

  1. Cross-Platform Support: UniDAC supports a wide range of platforms, including Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and Linux. This means you can write your code once and deploy it on virtually any platform, a significant advantage in today's multi-platform world.
  2. Database-Independent Features: With UniDAC, you write your database access code once, and it works with multiple databases. This is achieved by UniDAC's "Server-Independent SQL," which allows you to use the same SQL commands across different databases.
  3. High Performance: UniDAC offers advanced data access capabilities and optimized data processing, ensuring your applications perform optimally even under high load.
  4. Direct Access: With its Direct Mode feature, UniDAC can connect directly to a database without the need for the database's client library. This simplifies deployment and increases the speed of data access.

In summary, UniDAC's architecture and design make it a powerful tool for interacting with databases in Delphi and C++ Builder applications. Its ability to provide a uniform method of access to multiple databases, coupled with its robust performance features, make it an invaluable tool for developers.

Connecting to Oracle Database with UniDAC

The process of connecting to an Oracle database using UniDAC involves setting up a TUniConnection component, writing the code to establish the connection, and understanding the different components and connection parameters. Here's how to do it:

A. Setting Up a TUniConnection Component for Oracle

  1. Open your Delphi or C++ Builder IDE and create a new project.
  2. From the Tool Palette, drag and drop the TUniConnection component onto your form.
  3. With the TUniConnection component selected, go to the Object Inspector window. Here you will specify the properties for the connection.
    • ProviderName: This should be set to "Oracle" to indicate that we're connecting to an Oracle database.
    • UserName: Enter the username for your Oracle database.
    • Password: Enter the password associated with the above username.
    • Server: Enter the server name or IP address where your Oracle database is hosted.
    • Port: Enter the port number on which your Oracle database is listening. The default for Oracle is usually 1521.
    • Database: Enter the name of the Oracle database (or SID) to which you're connecting.
    • LoginPrompt: Set this to 'False' to allow your application to connect to the database automatically using the credentials provided. If you want your application to ask for credentials each time a connection is made, set this to 'True'.

B. Writing the Code to Connect to the Oracle Database

After setting up the TUniConnection component, you can use Delphi's or C++ Builder's coding environment to write the code that establishes the connection. Here's a simple example in Delphi:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
	UniConnection1.Connected := True;
	ShowMessage('Connection successful!');
	on E: Exception do
  	ShowMessage('Error: ' + E.Message);

In this code, when Button1 is clicked, the program attempts to establish a connection to the Oracle database using the parameters provided in the TUniConnection component. If the connection is successful, a message box will display saying "Connection successful!" If there's an error, the program will catch the exception and display the error message.

C. Detailed Explanation of the Code, Focusing on UniDAC Components and Connection Parameters

The primary UniDAC component used here is TUniConnection. The properties set on this component tell UniDAC how to connect to the Oracle database:

  • ProviderName tells UniDAC that we're connecting to an Oracle database.
  • UserName and Password are used to authenticate with the Oracle database.
  • Server and Port tell UniDAC where the Oracle database is located.
  • Database (or SID in Oracle's case) is the specific database to which we're connecting.
  • LoginPrompt determines whether the application prompts for credentials each time a connection is made.

The Delphi code provided makes use of these parameters to establish a connection when a button is clicked. UniConnection1.Connected := True; attempts to open a connection to the database using the parameters specified in the TUniConnection component. If successful, a message box will confirm the successful connection. If not, an exception will be caught and the error message displayed, allowing you to troubleshoot the connection.

That's it! You've now established a connection to an Oracle database using UniDAC. This serves as a solid foundation for executing queries and manipulating data in the Oracle database.

Example Queries on the Oracle Database Using UniDAC

Interacting with a database typically involves executing SQL queries to retrieve, add, modify, or delete data. UniDAC makes this process straightforward. Here's how you can execute common SQL queries and handle the returned data in your Delphi or C++ Builder applications using UniDAC.

A. Executing Simple SQL Queries with UniDAC

We'll use the TUniQuery component of UniDAC to execute our queries. For these examples, let's assume we have a table in our Oracle database named "Employees" with columns "EmployeeID", "FirstName", "LastName", and "Salary".SELECT: To retrieve data from the database:

  Query: TUniQuery;
  Query := TUniQuery.Create(nil);
	Query.Connection := UniConnection1;
	Query.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM Employees';

	// Handle returned data...


INSERT: To add a new record to the database:

  Query: TUniQuery;
  Query := TUniQuery.Create(nil);
	Query.Connection := UniConnection1;
	Query.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO Employees (EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Salary) VALUES (:ID, :FirstName, :LastName, :Salary)';
	Query.ParamByName('ID').AsInteger := 1001;
	Query.ParamByName('FirstName').AsString := 'John';
	Query.ParamByName('LastName').AsString := 'Doe';
	Query.ParamByName('Salary').AsFloat := 50000;

	// Handle any returned data...


UPDATE: To modify an existing record:

  Query: TUniQuery;
  Query := TUniQuery.Create(nil);
	Query.Connection := UniConnection1;
	Query.SQL.Text := 'UPDATE Employees SET Salary = :NewSalary WHERE EmployeeID = :ID';
	Query.ParamByName('NewSalary').AsFloat := 60000;
	Query.ParamByName('ID').AsInteger := 1001;

	// Handle any returned data...


DELETE: To remove an existing record:

  Query: TUniQuery;
  Query := TUniQuery.Create(nil);
	Query.Connection := UniConnection1;
	Query.SQL.Text := 'DELETE FROM Employees WHERE EmployeeID = :ID';
	Query.ParamByName('ID').AsInteger := 1001;

	// Handle any returned data...


B. Retrieving and Manipulating Returned Data

After executing a SELECT query, you might want to work with the returned data. Here's a basic example of how you can loop through the result set and access individual fields:

  Query: TUniQuery;
  Query := TUniQuery.Create(nil);
	Query.Connection := UniConnection1;
	Query.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM Employees';

	while not Query.Eof do
  	ShowMessage('Employee ID: ' + Query.FieldByName('EmployeeID').AsString);
  	ShowMessage('First Name: ' + Query.FieldByName('FirstName').AsString);
  	ShowMessage('Last Name: ' + Query.FieldByName('LastName').AsString);
  	ShowMessage('Salary: ' + Query.FieldByName('Salary').AsString);


In this example, we execute a SELECT query to retrieve all records from the "Employees" table. Then we enter a while loop, which continues as long as there are more records (i.e., until Query.Eof (end of file) is true). Inside the loop, we use Query.FieldByName('FieldName').AsString to get the value of each field in the current record. We then move to the next record with Query.Next.

These examples showcase how to use UniDAC to execute SQL queries and manipulate the returned data in an Oracle database. Remember that it's essential to properly manage database connections and free up resources when they're no longer needed, as demonstrated in the try-finally blocks of the examples.


In this article, we've demonstrated the steps to connect to an Oracle Database using UniDAC in Delphi and C++ Builder applications, emphasizing the setup of a TUniConnection component, executing SQL queries, and manipulating the returned data. The ability to establish a connection and interact with the database underpins the development of robust, data-driven applications.

UniDAC's flexibility, supporting various databases beyond Oracle, equips developers with a tool to build adaptive applications that can seamlessly handle evolving database landscapes. Understanding the intricacies of database connectivity, error handling, and troubleshooting in Delphi and C++ Builder applications, particularly with UniDAC, is a crucial skill that can greatly enhance your application development journey.